EDA Utilities

In this section, we will introduce a rich set of plotting functions in orbit for the EDA (exploratory data analysis) purpose. The plots include

  • Time series heatmap

  • Correlation heatmap

  • Dual axis time series plot

  • Wrap plot

import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import orbit
from orbit.utils.dataset import load_iclaims
from orbit.eda import eda_plot
df = load_iclaims()
df['week'] = pd.to_datetime(df['week'])
/Users/towinazure/edwinnglabs/orbit/orbit/utils/dataset.py:27: UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
  df = pd.read_csv(url, parse_dates=["week"])
week claims trend.unemploy trend.filling trend.job sp500 vix
0 2010-01-03 13.386595 0.219882 -0.318452 0.117500 -0.417633 0.122654
1 2010-01-10 13.624218 0.219882 -0.194838 0.168794 -0.425480 0.110445
2 2010-01-17 13.398741 0.236143 -0.292477 0.117500 -0.465229 0.532339
3 2010-01-24 13.137549 0.203353 -0.194838 0.106918 -0.481751 0.428645
4 2010-01-31 13.196760 0.134360 -0.242466 0.074483 -0.488929 0.487404

Time series heat map

_ = eda_plot.ts_heatmap(df = df, date_col = 'week', seasonal_interval=52, value_col='claims')
_ = eda_plot.ts_heatmap(df = df, date_col = 'week',  seasonal_interval=52, value_col='claims', normalization=True)

Correlation heatmap

var_list = ['trend.unemploy', 'trend.filling', 'trend.job', 'sp500', 'vix']
_ = eda_plot.correlation_heatmap(df, var_list = var_list,
                                 fig_width=10, fig_height=6)

Dual axis time series plot

_ = eda_plot.dual_axis_ts_plot(df=df, var1='trend.unemploy', var2='claims', date_col='week')

Wrap plots for quick glance of data patterns

var_list=['week', 'trend.unemploy', 'trend.filling', 'trend.job', 'sp500', 'vix']
df[var_list].melt(id_vars = ['week'])
week variable value
0 2010-01-03 trend.unemploy 0.219882
1 2010-01-10 trend.unemploy 0.219882
2 2010-01-17 trend.unemploy 0.236143
3 2010-01-24 trend.unemploy 0.203353
4 2010-01-31 trend.unemploy 0.134360
... ... ... ...
2210 2018-05-27 vix -0.175192
2211 2018-06-03 vix -0.275119
2212 2018-06-10 vix -0.291676
2213 2018-06-17 vix -0.152422
2214 2018-06-24 vix 0.003284

2215 rows × 3 columns

_ = eda_plot.wrap_plot_ts(df, 'week', var_list)