Randomness Control and Reproducible Results

There are randomness involved in the random initialization, sampling and bootstrapping process. Some of them with sufficient condition such as converging status and large amount of samples, can be fixed even without a fixed seed. However, they are not guaranteed. Two settings needed to allow fully reproducible results and will be demoed from this session:

  1. fix the seed on fitting

  2. fix the seed on prediction

Data and Libraries

import numpy as np

import orbit
from orbit.models import DLT
from orbit.utils.dataset import load_iclaims
df = load_iclaims()
week claims trend.unemploy trend.filling trend.job sp500 vix
0 2010-01-03 13.386595 0.219882 -0.318452 0.117500 -0.417633 0.122654
1 2010-01-10 13.624218 0.219882 -0.194838 0.168794 -0.425480 0.110445
2 2010-01-17 13.398741 0.236143 -0.292477 0.117500 -0.465229 0.532339
3 2010-01-24 13.137549 0.203353 -0.194838 0.106918 -0.481751 0.428645
4 2010-01-31 13.196760 0.134360 -0.242466 0.074483 -0.488929 0.487404

Fixing Seed in Fitting

By default, the seed supplied during the initialization step is fixed. This allows fully reproducible posteriors samples by default. For other purpose, users can randomize the seed. Nonetheless, this process usually assumes stable result with or without a fixed seed. Otherwise, convergence alert should be raised.

With different seeds, results should be closed but not identical:

dlt1 = DLT(response_col='claims', date_col='week', seed=2021, estimator='stan-map', n_bootstrap_draws=1e3)
dlt2 = DLT(response_col='claims', date_col='week', seed=2020, estimator='stan-map', n_bootstrap_draws=1e3)


lev1 = dlt1.get_point_posteriors()['map']['l']
lev2 = dlt2.get_point_posteriors()['map']['l']
2024-03-19 23:42:23 - orbit - INFO - Optimizing (CmdStanPy) with algorithm: LBFGS.
2024-03-19 23:42:23 - orbit - INFO - Optimizing (CmdStanPy) with algorithm: LBFGS.
np.all(lev1 == lev2)
np.allclose(lev1, lev2, rtol=1e-3)

With fixed seeds, results should be identical:

dlt1 = DLT(response_col='claims', date_col='week', seed=2020, estimator='stan-map', n_bootstrap_draws=1e3)
dlt2 = DLT(response_col='claims', date_col='week', seed=2020, estimator='stan-map', n_bootstrap_draws=1e3)


lev1 = dlt1.get_point_posteriors()['map']['l']
lev2 = dlt2.get_point_posteriors()['map']['l']
2024-03-19 23:42:23 - orbit - INFO - Optimizing (CmdStanPy) with algorithm: LBFGS.
2024-03-19 23:42:23 - orbit - INFO - Optimizing (CmdStanPy) with algorithm: LBFGS.
np.all(lev1 == lev2)

In sampling algorithm, users should expect identical posteriors with fixed seed:

dlt_mcmc1 = DLT(response_col='claims', date_col='week', seed=2020, estimator='stan-mcmc', stan_mcmc_args={'show_progress': False})
dlt_mcmc2 = DLT(response_col='claims', date_col='week', seed=2020, estimator='stan-mcmc', stan_mcmc_args={'show_progress': False})


lev_mcmc1 = dlt_mcmc1.get_posterior_samples()['l']
lev_mcmc2 = dlt_mcmc2.get_posterior_samples()['l']
2024-03-19 23:42:24 - orbit - INFO - Sampling (CmdStanPy) with chains: 4, cores: 8, temperature: 1.000, warmups (per chain): 225 and samples(per chain): 25.
2024-03-19 23:42:36 - orbit - INFO - Sampling (CmdStanPy) with chains: 4, cores: 8, temperature: 1.000, warmups (per chain): 225 and samples(per chain): 25.
np.all(lev1 == lev2)
(100, 443)
(100, 443)

Fixing Seed in Prediction

Unlike the fitting process, the seed in prediction is set to be random by default unless users provided a fixed seed. Once a fixed seed provided through the args in .predict(). Users should expect identical result.

# check with MAP estimator
pred1 = dlt1.predict(df, seed=2020)['prediction'].values
pred2 = dlt2.predict(df, seed=2020)['prediction'].values
np.all(pred1 == pred2)
# check with MCMC estimator
pred1 = dlt_mcmc1.predict(df, seed=2020)['prediction'].values
pred2 = dlt_mcmc2.predict(df, seed=2020)['prediction'].values
np.all(pred1 == pred2)