orbit.constants package


orbit.constants.constants module

class orbit.constants.constants.BacktestFitKeys(value)

Bases: Enum

column names of the dataframe used in the output from the backtest.BackTester.fit_predict() or any labels of the intermediate variables to generate such outcome dataframe

ACTUAL = 'actual'
DATE = 'date'
METRIC_NAME = 'metric_name'
METRIC_VALUES = 'metric_values'
PREDICTED = 'prediction'
SPLIT_KEY = 'split_key'
TEST_ACTUAL = 'test_actual'
TEST_PREDICTED = 'test_prediction'
TRAIN_ACTUAL = 'train_actual'
TRAIN_FLAG = 'training_data'
TRAIN_METRIC_FLAG = 'is_training_metric'
TRAIN_PREDICTED = 'train_prediction'
class orbit.constants.constants.CompiledStanModelPath

Bases: object

the directory path for compliled stan models

CHILD = 'stan'
PARENT = 'orbit'
class orbit.constants.constants.EstimatorsKeys(value)

Bases: Enum

alias for all available estimator types when they are called under model wrapper functions

CmdStanMAP = 'cmdstan-map'
CmdStanMCMC = 'cmdstan-mcmc'
PyroSVI = 'pyro-svi'
StanMAP = 'stan-map'
StanMCMC = 'stan-mcmc'
class orbit.constants.constants.KTRTimePointPriorKeys(value)

Bases: Enum

hash table keys for the dictionary of back-test aggregation analysis result

NAME = 'name'
PRIOR_END_TP_IDX = 'prior_end_tp_idx'
PRIOR_MEAN = 'prior_mean'
PRIOR_REGRESSOR_COL = 'prior_regressor_col'
PRIOR_SD = 'prior_sd'
PRIOR_START_TP_IDX = 'prior_start_tp_idx'
class orbit.constants.constants.PlotLabels(value)

Bases: Enum

used in multiple prediction plots

ACTUAL_RESPONSE = 'actual_response'
PREDICTED_RESPONSE = 'predicted_response'
TRAINING_ACTUAL_RESPONSE = 'training_actual_response'
class orbit.constants.constants.PredictMethod(value)

Bases: Enum

The predict method for all of the stan template. Often used are mean and median.

MAP = 'map'
MEAN = 'mean'
MEDIAN = 'median'
class orbit.constants.constants.PredictionKeys(value)

Bases: Enum

column names for the data frame of predicted result with decomposed components

PREDICTION = 'prediction'
REGRESSION = 'regression'
REGRESSOR = 'regressor'
SEASONALITY = 'seasonality'
TREND = 'trend'
class orbit.constants.constants.PredictionMetaKeys(value)

Bases: Enum

prediction input meta data dictionary processed under Forecaster.predict()

DATE_ARRAY = 'date_array'
END = 'prediction_end'
END_INDEX = 'end'
FUTURE_STEPS = 'n_forecast_steps'
PREDICTION_DF_LEN = 'df_length'
START = 'prediction_start'
START_INDEX = 'start'
class orbit.constants.constants.TimeSeriesSplitSchemeKeys(value)

Bases: Enum

hash table keys for the dictionary of back-test meta data

MODEL = 'model'
TEST_IDX = 'test_idx'
TRAIN_END_DATE = 'train_end_date'
TRAIN_IDX = 'train_idx'
TRAIN_START_DATE = 'train_start_date'
class orbit.constants.constants.TrainingMetaKeys(value)

Bases: Enum

training meta data dictionary processed under Forecaster.fit()

DATE_ARRAY = 'date_array'
DATE_COL = 'date_col'
END = 'training_end'
NUM_OF_OBS = 'num_of_obs'
RESPONSE = 'response'
RESPONSE_COL = 'response_col'
RESPONSE_MEAN = 'response_mean'
RESPONSE_SD = 'response_sd'
START = 'training_start'

orbit.constants.dlt module

orbit.constants.lgt module

orbit.constants.palette module

class orbit.constants.palette.KTRPalette(value)

Bases: Enum


KNOTS_REGION = '#05A357'
KNOTS_SEGMENT = '#276ef1'
class orbit.constants.palette.OrbitColorMap(value)

Bases: Enum

matplotlib ColorMap

BLACK_GRADIENT = <matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>
BLUE_GRADIENT = <matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>
GREEN_GRADIENT = <matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>
PURPLE_GRADIENT = <matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>
RAINBOW = <matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>
RED_GRADIENT = <matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>
YELLOW_GRADIENT = <matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>
class orbit.constants.palette.OrbitPalette(value)

Bases: Enum


BLACK = '#000000'
BLUE = '#276EF1'
BLUE600 = '#174291'
BROWN = '#99644C'
GREEN = '#05A357'
GREEN600 = '#03582F'
ORANGE = '#ED6E33'
PURPLE = '#7356BF'
RED = '#E11900'
YELLOW = '#FFC043'
YELLOW400 = '#FFC043'
class orbit.constants.palette.PredictionPaletteClassic(value)

Bases: Enum


ACTUAL_OBS = '#000000'
TEST_OBS = '#FFC043'

Module contents