orbit.utils package¶
orbit.utils.general module¶
- orbit.utils.general.expand_grid(base)¶
Given a base key values span, expand them into a dataframe covering all combinations :param base: dictionary with keys equal columns name and value equals key values :type base: dict
- Returns:
- Return type:
dataframe generate based on user specified base
- orbit.utils.general.get_parent_path(current_file_path)¶
- Parameters:
current_file_path (str) – The given file path, should be an absolute path
------- – str : The parent path of give file path
- orbit.utils.general.is_empty_dataframe(df)¶
A simple function to tell whether the passed in df is an empty dataframe or not. :param df: given input dataframe :type df: pd.DataFrame
- Returns:
- Return type:
True if df is none, or if df is an empty dataframe; False otherwise.
- orbit.utils.general.is_even_gap_datetime(array)¶
Returns True if array is evenly distributed
- orbit.utils.general.is_ordered_datetime(array)¶
Returns True if array is ordered and non-repetitive Use pandas .diff() method to take care of both tz and non-tz series consistently By default pandas .diff() would generate a NaT for the first period instead of skipping like np.diff. So dropna() to remove.
- orbit.utils.general.regenerate_base_df(df, time_col, key_col, val_cols=[], fill_na=None)¶
Given a dataframe, key column, time column and value column, re-generate multiple time-series to cover full range date-time with all the keys. This can be a useful utils for working multiple time-series.
- Parameters:
df (pd.DataFrame)
time_col (str)
key_col (str)
val_cols (List[str]; values column considered to be imputed)
fill_na (Optional[float]; values to fill when there are missing values of the row)
- orbit.utils.general.update_dict(original_dict, append_dict)¶
orbit.utils.pyro module¶
- orbit.utils.pyro.get_pyro_model(model_name)¶
orbit.utils.stan module¶
- orbit.utils.stan.get_compiled_stan_model(stan_model_name: str = '', stan_file_path: str | None = None, exe_file_path: str | None = None, force_compile: bool = False) CmdStanModel ¶
Return a compiled Stan model using CmdStan. This includes both prepackaged models as well as user provided models through stan_file_path.
- Parameters:
stan_model_name – The name of the Stan model to use. Use this for the built in models (dlt, ets, ktrlite, lgt)
stan_file_path – The path to the Stan file to use. If not provided, the default is to search for the file in the ‘orbit’ package. If provided, function will ignore the stan_model_name parameter, and will compile the provide stan_file_path into executable in place (same folder as stan_file_path)
exe_file_path – The path to the Stan-exe file to use. If not provided, the default is to search for the file in the ‘orbit’ package. If provided, function will ignore the stan_model_name parameter, and will compile the provide stan_file_path into executable in place (same folder as stan_file_path)
- Returns:
sm – A compiled Stan model.
- Return type:
- class orbit.utils.stan.suppress_stdout_stderr¶
A context manager for doing a “deep suppression” of stdout and stderr in Python, i.e. will suppress all print, even if the print originates in a compiled C/Fortran sub-function.
This will not suppress raised exceptions, since exceptions are printed
to stderr just before a script exits, and after the context manager has exited (at least, I think that is why it lets exceptions through).